Asset visualization

Introducing our new asset visualization tool available on your single-company dashboard. This document gives you a more exhaustive list of assets and associated observables so that you can more easily manage the potential risks associated with your public perimeter.  

Click on the asset view button.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, Police

Le contenu généré par l’IA peut être incorrect.

A new page will be opened on which you will find all your uncovered assets, the assets on which you are rated, the UCs but also those that arrive from third parties, ODC.

This list contains the name of the asset, the various observables linked to it and the associated categories. 

When you click on an asset, you will find a graph that breaks down the observables by severity and category. Below this, you will find two filters, one based on categories and the other on severity. 

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Page web

Le contenu généré par l’IA peut être incorrect.

You can click on the little arrow on the left corresponding to the little eye in the dashboard, and you will have access to the associated recommendations as well as external references for patching observables as quickly as possible. 


Here's a summary video of how to use the ‘asset view’ tool.