Exchange of products between rated companies

It is now possible to exchange products between your rated companies.

To exchange products, go to the "Product management" tab in the burger menu.

You will then access the "Company and product management" page and simply click on the "Product exchange" button :

You can then select the companies for which you wish to exchange products.

Then swap the frequencies (daily, weekly, etc.) and/or the maximum number of measured assets (1000, 2500 or 5000) between the selected companies. Simply drag the boxes from one company to another via the "Temporary basket" on the right of the screen :

You will then be asked to summarize and validate your exchanges :

Here an example to illustrate the possibilities of this feature: 

You audit 100 companies and want to focus on 10 different companies each month. With 10 daily licenses and 90 monthly licenses, you can switch the rating frequency to the 10 companies of your choice, alternating between monthly and daily ratings.