FAQ - AD Rating

In this article, you will find the most frequently asked questions about AD Rating.

If your API key is compromised, is it renewable? 

It is currently not possible to renew your API key.

It is technically possible to do this by creating a new probe, but this solution results in a loss of rating history, and is therefore not recommended.

What is the load of the installed agent?

• Disk space required: approximately 200 MB
• RAM/CPU load: more activity (but very modest) during
• Network load: only during measurements, LDAP and SMB calls to one of the
domain controllers.

How does the tool manage third-party PKI?

The tool does not detect third-party certificates and their integrity, unless deployed incorrectly.
If there is a perceived problem with third-party certificates, the tool will report an observable deployment of certificates on the machine.

How long does it take for the agent to send all observables?

Between the time the agent installation has been validated in the platform and the first measurements, the reception of observables will be around one hour.

The organization will then have access to its dashboard with its assessment and the totality of observables noted.