How Security Rating® works

The Security Rating® is based on 7 areas of analysis (4 control measures and 3 performance measures). This article describes how the rating is performed and how it is presented on the solution.

Understanding scoring

(details of the areas of analysis)

The scoring is based on 7 areas of analysis consisting of 4 control measures and 3 performance measures.

The 4 control measures :

Measurement at a time T.

The control measures take into account the changes made during the calculation of the score.

The results vary daily.

  • Attack surface
  • Messaging
  • Web TLS/SSL
  • Security Control

The 3 performance measures :

Measures over time.

The performance measures are established on the basis of the changes achieved over time. They take into account the duration of observed remediation.

The results take into account the history in the scoring.

  • Vulnerabilities
  • Update performance
  • Security incidents


Analyzed elements : 

  1. The assets :
    • The Security Rating® algorithm performs several tests on three types of public assets: IP address, URL, domain name.

      For each area of analysis, the tool provides the total number of assets and the number of assets at risk.

  2. Control points :

    • The control points correspond to the categories of observables.

      The control points allow a classification of observables by type of test performed.

  3. Observables :

    • The observables are the problems identified on the assets analyzed by our tool.

      Observables are prioritized to easily define priorities and improve the score.



Zoom on the rating

Single company rating



Global rating of a particular company. To be viewed in the dashboard of a single company

Rating for a company in each area.

Each area of analysis receives a grade from A to E based on its performance and observed risks.


Multi-companies rating



  • Number of portfolio companies by maturity level (Basic/Intermediate/Advanced)
  • Rating for each company
  • Possibility to sort by name or by score

Breakdown of company ratings by area of analysis

Each area of analysis receives a grade from A to E based on its performance and observed risks.

Level of maturity and severity by area of security analysis of the companies assessed.