Item segmentation.

Find out how to optimise your mapping with an additional filter: segmentation.



1. Segment assets into batches

The new segment filter is available, but how do you use it effectively? There are two ways of assigning segments to an asset. The first involves importing metadata via a CSV file, which can be accessed in the ‘Asset management’ section.

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When you open the ‘import metadata’ option, you will be able to access a file template, if required.

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2. Segment items individually 

The second method consists of manually assigning a segment to each asset. To do this, click on the small arrow to the left of the desired asset. This will open a window in which you will find the ‘segment’ option.

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Then click on the ‘no segment’ option to create a new segment. Once you have defined the segment, confirm your choice by clicking on the small orange cross. Once you have created and assigned the segment, you can close the window by confirming the operation in the bottom right-hand corner.

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Congratulations! Your first segment has now been created. Once it has been set up, it will remain in the list of available segments. Simply search for it and click on it to assign it to an asset. You can associate several segments with a single asset, giving you greater flexibility in managing your data.Capture décran 2024-09-27 133738-1
You can find this filtering functionality under each analysis category, as well as in the detailed reports.

To search for segmented assets, simply apply the filter by selecting the desired segments. This will display only those assets that belong to those specific segments.

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To help you understand how it works, we've put together a short video explaining how it works.