Machine configuration and agent installation on the machine

Find out all you need to know to set up your machine and install the agent on it.

Does the session have to be open or in service mode?

The session does not need to be open. However, the machine must remain switched on and connected to the Internet. In the background, the agent will run in service mode.

Does the machine with the agent have to be dedicated to the agent only?

No, you can use your machine for other purposes, but to facilitate any maintenance and administration tasks, this is not advisable.
You don't need a service account. Any machine on the domain can make an LDAP connection to the domain controllers and retrieve the information needed by our analysts. This is normal AD operation.

System requirements

The machine must be running the minimum versions of Windows 10 Anniversary Update / Windows Server 2016, and be switched on 24/7. 
Installation of the program requires local administrator rights on the machine.

The machine does not need special administrator rights on the network.

The machine must not be a domain controller.

The machine must be in the domain you wish to evaluate and have access to the Internet.

Only Windows versions are checked, especially on Surface tablets.

The server must have access to the Internet; if a firewall is in place, it must authorize communication between the server hosting the SRagent and the Web proxy server, if a web proxy server is in place.

In the absence of a proxy server, the firewall must authorize communication between the server hosting the SRAgent and the Internet. The IP address of the SRAgent API (Security Rating AD) is dynamic and changes according to the geographic location of the caller, and can vary over time, which can make filtering by destination IP address tedious. Regular maintenance is required to ensure the long-term operation of the SRAD agent.

The program is installed according to Windows conventions for system services.